Our Feedback
On the 1st of February my year had an assembly on a traumatic subject, knife crime. It is one of those subjects where you don’t really understand it unless someone talks to you about it from their point of view or you have experienced it first-hand.
Today we heard from a man who had a very close person taken from them due to knife crime, his name was Nathan. Before I came into the assembly, I thought it was going to be a dramatization about knife crime telling a story. I had no idea what an impact this assembly would have on me and indeed I believe the rest of my year group. Nathan’s story had a real impact as it was a heartfelt account of what he had experienced. The way he told the story moved everyone and made everyone think about how precious life is.
He also taught us some very important lessons and how knife crime doesn’t affect one person but everyone. He made me think about how I should take every opportunity and work hard. Now that is something you don’t get from a drama performance. I believe Nathan is an inspiration to us all that life is too precious to throw away by getting involved in knife crime and I think we all need to play a part in this. It was very brave of him to come on stage and talk about a tragedy and he hasn’t just inspired me but, I believe, so many others.
This session was one which drew the students in the most. Nathan’s delivery was excellent because of how he told his story. He allowed the students to hear about a normal family doing normal things so when he got to the bit about his brother being killed it came as a big shock. It was really useful for the students to see that it was not because he was part of a gang and the effects on the families left behind. The students were most affected by Nathanial’s story and many were keen to speak to him after the session to say thank you.
All the students were so impressed with Nathan. He was very open and honest with them . He spoke with passion and love and I am so pleased I was able to witness his talk. Students came up to shake his hand at the end of his session.
Nathan is a fantastic speaker and very engaging with staff and students.
Students appreciated the honest reality of what was said and were attentive throughout.
This was extremely useful because it allowed the students to understand the emotional impact of knife crime. The way that the speaker built up the context of his family was extremely sophisticated and this created an emotional connection with the students that increased the impact. A number of our students have been directly affected themselves by either knife crime or gun crime and therefore the emotions were very raw. However speaking to Nathan really helped them.
I was left shocked and shaken by the number of people that become victims of such an event. I was in complete awe by Nathan who gave a constant speech for 2 hours straight about something very, very close to his heart without breaking into tears. Great amount of respect to all three, (The Constable, Paramedic and Nathan) for giving such a heartful workshop today. 100% came out with a completely different perspective to Knife Crime.
I think that this really stays with the kids and helps to eradicate the status that can come with issues around knife crime. It is so helpful to see it personalised and hear about the effects of the crime from someone who they can easily relate to and who is so easy to listen to.
Nathan was completely engaging for the young people, his story really hit home for them, him being from London and having a sibling. His storytelling was incredible and his work after building their self-belief was a joy to watch.
Nathan spent two days at Apollo last week and he was truly inspirational, he worked with our young people and the Apollo team and he has made a lasting impression on our young people. During his time with us he really empowered our pupils and made them aware that they have the talent and power to reach for the stars and become who they want to be.
Nathan was absolutely fantastic again. We had two full days and we got some excellent workshops over the two days as well as an hour assembly for each year group. The pupils just love him and you could’ve heard a pin drop in the assembly. As it is a bit earlier in the year our year 7s are a bit younger and some were upset by it but overall it was a big success…. and sadly very well timed as it was just few days before the incident in Luton.

Our school was lucky enough to have Nathaniel Levy in as a guest speaker in March (Challney High School for Girls – Luton). I thought it would be nice to receive some positive feedback during these difficult times.
In my opinion Nathaniel was the most powerful and engaging speaker I have ever seen visit a school. The positive impact his speeches must be having cannot be underestimated.
So thank you Nathaniel!